PAH News



25. 01. 2016.

The new webpage of Comparative Agendas Project is available.

07. 01. 2016.

The new, 2015/4. issue of the Hungarian Political Science Review has been published containing the introduction of CAP Hungary Project and three articles of our reserchers:

Boda, Zsolt–Sebők, Miklós: Foreword: Presentation of the Hungarian Comparative Agendas Project

Sebők, Miklós–Kubik, Bálint György–Molnár, Csaba–Szendi, Gábor: Factors of Submitting Interpellations in Hungary (1990-2014)

Boda, Zsolt–Patkós, Veronika: "Political Governance" as Reflected by the Media and Policy Agendas, 2010-2014

Böcskei, Balázs: Overhead Reduction: Policy Change as Political Innovation


22-24. 06. 2015.

On 22-24 June, 2015 at 8th Annual CAP Conference: five project colleagues held presentations based on the CAP database.

  • Balázs Böcskei: Policy innovations shaping political decisions: The Case of the Overhead Reduction Initiative in Hungary.
  • Márk Kis György: Islands of power - How Policy Monopolies Shape Citizen Participation.
  • Zsolt Boda-Veronika Patkós: Driven by politics: agenda setting and policy making in Hungary 2010-2014.
  • Miklós Sebők-Tamás Berki: Incrementalism and punctuated equilibrium in Hungarian budgeting (1991-2013)

(Conference Program:


05. 06. 2016.

On 5th June, 2015, five project colleagues held presentations at the XXI. Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Political Science Association, in Pécs, Hungary, using the CAP database.

  • Zsolt Boda-Veronika Patkós: Driven by politics: agenda setting and policy making in  Hungary 2010-2014.
  • Miklós Sebők: A képviseleti demokrácia megbízó-ügynök elméleti modellje. (The principal-agent theoretical model of representative democracy.)
  • Miklós Sebők-Tamás Berki: A fűnyíró és a favágó. Inkrementalizmus és megszakított egyensúly a magyar költségvetés teljesülésében (1991-2013). (The lawn and the tree cutting: Incrementalism and punctuated equilibrium in the fullfillment of the Hungarian budget (1990-2013)
  • Balázs Böcskei: Rezsicsökkentés: közpolitikaiból politikai innováció. (Overhead reduction: from public policy innovation to political innovation.)

(Conference Program:

18. 05. 2015.

On 18th May, 2015, Miklós Sebők, the project manager of CAP held a conference presentation at University of Vienna, Institut für Staatwissenschaft. (Miklós Sebők - Bálint Kubik - Csaba Molnár - Gábor Szendi: Plenary  speeches as political resources  –  The determinants of the demand for oral  parliamentary  questions  in  Hungary  (1994-2014).

26-27. 02. 2015.

Gabriella Szabó was invited to present her paper titled ’Crowding and feeling political communities: sucessful and failed mass demonstrations in Hungary 2013.’ (co-authored by Balázs Kiss) in the international conference ’From Multitude to Crowds in Social Movements – publics, gatherings, networks and media in the 21th century’. The event will be held in Lisbon, on the 26th and 27th of January, 2015.   


New colleagues and interns joined our project (see Contact Us). A crosswalk between the COFOG classification system for public finances and the Topics codebook is provided (see Codebooks).


New codebooks for Media, Public Laws and Interpellations are available in the Codebooks section of our website.


The 2014 annual CAP conference will take place in Kontanz, for more details see: